Justin Trudeau apologises for dressing up Aladdin in a resurfaced Picture from 2001

justin trudeau canadian prime minister

The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has recently offered a public apology for a picture which was recently published by Time Magazine a week after he launched a re-election campaign.

Justin Trudeau played dress up covering his face and hands with brown powder and makeup in an attempt to look like Aladdin when he worked as a teacher in Vancouver during an Arabian Nights themed party.

Trudeau who elected many ethnic minorities in his cabinet has been trolled on social media since the picture surfaced online. He has however apologised both publicly and privately, making several calls and intending to do so in the future.

Here’s what he had to say over the issue:

“I shouldn’t have done that. I should’ve known better but I didn’t. And I’m really sorry.”

“I have made a number of calls to friends and colleagues tonight and I will have many more colleagues, many more calls to make.”

“It was a dumb thing to do. I’m disappointed in myself. I’m p****d off at myself for having done it. I wish I hadn’t done it but I did it, and I apologise for it.”