Watch Bernie Sanders epic Comeback: I wrote the damn Bill

bernie sanders at democratic presidential debate

It’s no news that it is Election Season in the United States. Well, shots have been firing as each representative tries to convince the entire nation as to why they ought to be elected as President.

Yesterday was no different as Tim Ryan was caught unawares yesterday as he interrupted Bernie Sanders yesterday while the conversation on Medicare for All was ongoing. the elderly contestant was listing out all the benefits of the program and how he plans to make upgrades to the Bill when Ryan tried to cut him off saying he didn’t know the content of the bill.

Well, Sanders took no time reminding Tim Ryan that he wrote the bill! That was not all, Sanders was quick to point out that the moderators were Republican based on their questions.

The two most popular candidates from the Democratic Party, Elizabeth Warren, John Delaney and Bernie Sanders will have to go up against President Trump who intends to contest again in the coming elections

His reaction was well taken and has been tagged as one of the highlights of the Democratic Debate event. It didn’t end there, there are now several memes on social media capturing the moment. see below