Iran Nuclear Deal Nations meet today to Salvage Diplomatic ties


After the United States pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal in May, last year and re-imposing sanctions on the Iran country further weakening their Economy, Iran has increasingly tipped up their nuclear activities in breach of the agreement.

Parties to the Iran 2015 nuclear deal have today met in Vienna for emergency talks to salvage what is left of the deal before further escalations ensue.

The 2015 Iran nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States, Russia, United Kingdom, China and Germany, including the European Union was to allow for Iran to redesign and convert its nuclear activities in a bid to lift all nuclear-related economic sanctions and thereby freeing up billions of dollars in oil revenue and frozen assets.

Since the withdrawal of the United States, attempts to protect trade with Iran have yielded no success. According to an Iranian Diplomat, their actions thus far are reversible as long as other parties fulfil their commitments.

Currently, Iran has breached the 3.67% purity limit set by European major powers since the exit of the United States and sanctions that followed. In addition, a British flagged Oil tanker was seized by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards close to Gibraltar which in according to Iran violated sanctions on Syria.


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