BMO Demands Probe on CUPP for Coup against Judiciary

buhari media organisation

The Buhari Media Organisation have petitioned in a Press Release signed by the Chairman of the Group, Niyi Akinsiju, that the CUPP be probed for requesting Atiku Abubakar be declared President

In reference to a Press Release Statement by Imo Ugochinyere of the Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP), the group requested the judiciary declare Atiku as the President of Nigeria, The Buhari Media Organisation have expressed that the action though subtle is a call of rebellion against the Judiciary and should be probed.

The BMO went further to cite that their actions should not be treated with kid gloves by the National security agencies. read details below

Are there no law enforcement agencies in the country? Is this not a prima facie call to rebellion and anarchy? Are we going to wait for hired thugs to attack the judiciary before we see where the PDP and Atiku are headed to?

“BMO finds the call by the rogue group CUPP, seeking that the Supreme Court declare Atiku President as a joke taken too far. It subtly calls for anarchy and must not be tolerated by the Nigerian State.

“The judiciary has its processes, President Buhari was declared the winner in a free and fair election. The closest loser, Atiku Abubakar, who was far behind him with a margin of nearly 4 million votes, has challenged Buhari’s victory in court. Atiku must, therefore, submit himself to the processes of the court and not use charlatan groups to call for a rebellion against the Nigerian state.

“The court processes are not influenced by third parties who have no business in the arena. CUPP’s satellite relationship with Atiku is no ground for it to make such seditious remarks against the judiciary, on a matter that is already in court. Justice is a matter of evidence, material facts and law – not anarchy, not chaos, not up-ending the system!” 

The BMO further inclined that Imo Ugochinyere should be investigated and the group’s intentions defined.

“We call for the immediate investigation of Ugochinyere’s remarks asking the judiciary to declare Atiku President by our security agencies. We must not give room for such seditious remarks to go un-investigated and unpunished. Nigeria is a country governed by laws.