Tanzanian President to Women: Set your Ovaries Free!

COVID-19: Tanzanian President, Magufuli
Tanzanian President, John Magufuli

John Magufuli has in a public announcement to women encouraged them to ‘set their ovaries free’ in a bid to boost the economy but critics have said, on the contrary, this will lead to higher rates of poverty and inequality.

Mugufuli attributed China’s economic success to their overwhelming population, according to the Tanzanian President, that is why their economy is so huge. he also cited India and Nigeria as countries who benefit immensely from their demography.

In a comical statement the President chided as below in Chato his hometown:

I know that those who like to block ovaries will complain about my remarks. Set your ovaries free, let them block theirs,”

Magufuli has championed an industrialization cause that has maintained the 6 – 7% growth since 2015. The president believes this is all the push Tanzania needs to progress.