Woman to get Biggest Boobs Implant in the World shares Why!

Woman to get Biggest Boobs Implant in the World shares Why!

A German Lady identified as Martina is preparing to get the world’s biggest implants using 70 PINTS of Silicone in both breasts. When asked why This Morning Hosts on the reasons for her actions they seemed very worried.

Martina, despite having surgery a few weeks ago is on a mission to keep having more until her breasts attain the biggest boobs in the world title.

Depiction of the weight Martina would be carrying on her Chest

Even though the procedure has never been done before, Martina remains undettered. No amounts of discouragements from the hosts were able to change her mind. Martina disclosed:

“At the moment my implants have been filled up to 6,000cc each side but in the next few months I am going to go up step by step until I reach 20,000cc – or 20 litres,”

“I was surprised by how fast my breast tissue stretched. If this continues to stretch so well, I will reach my destination faster than expected.

Not only is Martina fan of breast implants, but she also has a fetish for Africa, although born white skinned, she has also consistently received so many tanning injections she can almost be identified as black and will be moving to Africa to be among “her people”.