Protesters Worldwide Rally to support Sudan’s Revolution!

Protesters Worldwide Rally to support Sudan's Revolution

Sudanese expatriates have started gathering globally to join the local Sudanese protesters to campaign for the revolution for the end to the military reign that has been oppressing its citizens.

Gathering with blue headscarves and holding Sudanese flags, revolutionary slogans were chanted calling for the end to the autocracy that has beseiged the country.

On Sunday, 7 more sudnase died in protests with many injured in what was tagged the Millions March which started over six months ago.

Speaking to a Sudanese-American who helped plan the peaceful protest in Sudan, Sali Maghoub explained that the intention is for the international rallies to help inspire global communities to extend support to the country.

United Nations Security Council have also withdrawn the UNAMID peacekeepers from the embattled province of Darfur due to the extended violence.

“We’re seeing exactly what happened in Darfur happening now in Khartoum (Sudan’s capital), and for the entire country, where people are getting murdered, raped, and there’s no justice. So all we’re trying to do is bring attention to that, and we’re hoping that we’ll have more people supporting us, the international community, whether it’s the United Nations, the United States, the EU, really any attention that we can get so we can help the people of Sudan is what we’re hoping for,” Maghoub.