Tunisian President gravely ill, hospitalized twice in a week!

Tunisian President passes on at 92

Tunisia’s President, Beij Caid Essebsi has been taken to a military hospital based on a health crisis according to the Tunisian Presidency via Facebook.

The President who is 92 years of age was hospitalized initially and later discharged the following day over health concerns. One of his advisers stated that he is currently in very critical condition.

Most of the business of governance and economic policy is run by Prime Minister Youssef Chahed who also happens to be the main contact person for the International Monetary Fund and other donations which have kept the Country atop its economic crisis.

Essebsi has been President since December 2014 and is scheduled to step down in November. He is the 4th and only democratic President elected after the overthrow of Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali back in 2011.