Former Beauty Queen raped by Gambia’s Ex-President Jammeh

Fatou Jallow toufah

A now 23-year-old former Gambia Beauty Queen, Fatou Jallow popularly known as “Toufah” has in an interview with BBC disclosed that she was raped by the former President Yahya Jammeh while he was Gambia’s President.

According to the former beauty queen, she really tried to pretend the incident never happened and remove it from her person, however she could not bring herself to. She says she believes now is the time to make the world know what really happened at the time and she is more than willing to meet the Ex-President in court

She explained that she met the Ex-President at 18 right after winning the beauty pageant and in the months after her coronation, he acted fatherly, offered advice and money and favoured her family, not to long afterwards at a dinner organised by the presidential aide at the time, she was asked to marry him, she refused and also rejected other entreaties afterwards.

‘I decided to speak now because it is time to tell the story and to make sure that Yayha Jammeh hears what he has done”

Thereafter, she was then mandated to attend a religious ceremony afterwards by the aide at the State House but was instead redirected to the president’s private residence where the unfortunate incident occured right after he injected her with a needle.

The former President in question is currently in exile in Equtorial Guinea, spokesperson on his behalf have all denied the claims and tagged them as lies and smear campaigns.

She is reportedly not the only one to report a similar incident only that some were willing for the cash reward or simply fawned at the attention.