Iran dismisses U.S sanctions, call White House retarded, members Liars

hassan rouhani dismisses u.s sanctions

The Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani has responded to the fresh set of sanctions the United States has imposed on the Country. The recent sanctions have closed off all forms of diplomacy beween the two countries according to Iran on grounds that the U.S has blocked off any hopes of negotiation.

In his words, the Iranian President says the White House actions show signs of mental retardedness. He ascribed the actions to stupidity and insanity saying that only when someone loses their mind for their recent set of sanctions read below:

“A person loses his mind and does something insane and stupid, so what? Puts sanctions on the leader of a country, to what? America is funny, we don’t allow them in our country and they say you can’t come to ours, why the sanctions? They say they will put sanctions on our leader’s property, what is our leaders property? A simple house and a ceremony hall.”

“You (America) proved that you are lying and not telling the truth, you do not want to negotiate, if you wanted to we have already done it before”.

“You (America) yourself didn’t want to negotiate, you trampled on your promise and treaty yourself, you invalidated your signature yourself.”

He further said that sanctions against Khamenei would have no practical impact as the cleric had little or no asset.

U.S President Donald Trump recently issued fresh sanctions on the Iranian Country yesterday, after the U.S drones were shot down by Iran, against the Supreme Leader Ayatollah and other notable persons in the country. More sanctions are expected against the Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif in the coming days.