Huawei certain to meet up with German 5G Security Standard

Huawei records $122 Billion in revenue

After the groundbreaking sanctions from the United States which is costing the company $100 billion, Huawei seems to be moving on with Germany amidst other things.

The Chinese company has disclosed earlier today through the Cheif Technology Officer, Werner Haas that they are confident in meeting all the security standards set by Germany for 5th Generation Mobile Networks.

Why Germany you say?

Well, Germany has recently completed a 6.5 billion Euro auction of 5G spectrum which will run smart factories which caould be an enabler for companies like Huawei, Ericcson and Nokia to bid for billions worth of deals.

Germany requires each company to meet key technical requirements including but not limited to strong encryption standards and needs to be deemed trustworthy enough by being robust enough to withstand incidents.