Donald Trump predicts the Official end of Iran!

President Trump temporarily suspends immigration to the United States over COVID-19

In his very usual manner, U.S President took to Twitter once more to pass on a very crucial message to Iran to never ever attempt to threaten the U.S as that might just be the end of Iran.

Despite being pushed by his national security advisor, John Bolton Trump maintains that though he isn’t one predisposed to war, if Iran initiates it in anyway by thier threats, they might not live to tell of the story.

Mike Pompeo has in a similar vein warned Iran of a “swift and decisive” response from the US should an attack be initiated.

This comes after Iran had previously threatened 3 satellite launches into space this year despite attempts from Washington to curb the program. The argument being that long-range ballistic missiles could also be used to launch nuclear warheads.

Earlier in the month, the US National Security deployed the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group to the middle east in response to all the indications from Iran.