Donald Trump to receive Impeachment Threats from those ‘in charge’

President Trump temporarily suspends immigration to the United States over COVID-19

Republican Senator, Lindsey Graham the current chair of the senate judiciary committee has predicted that impeachment proceedings against U.S President Donald Trump are likely to surface as the ‘radical left’ is now in charge of the Democratic Party

In his own words, he explained that Nancy Pelosi’s cause to prevent divisive impeaachment proceedings are unlikely to succeed. Read below:

Nancy Pelosi is not in charge of the Democratic Party. The radical left is in charge.

So, I will expect that there will be impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

There’s light at the end of the tunnel however, as in his predictions he also suggests that at the end of it all, and the recent findings of the mueller report , the agitations will end up as a re-eection for President Trump in 2020