CISLAC commends senate action on Petroleum Industry Governance Bill


The Civil Society Legislative Advocacy (CISLAC) has commended the Senate for prioritizing the Petroleum Industry Governance Bill (PIGB) as one of bills that enjoyed prompt action for review and passage for re-submission to the President for his assent before the end of the 8th Assembly

In a press release by CISLAC on Tuesday, they noted that the passage was better late than never.

CISLAC recalls that in response to intense campaign and advocacy by several groups in civil society, including CISLAC and her partners, the National Assembly passed the PIGB, which was one out of the four Bills drafted to provide clear legal framework to regulate the oil and gas sector to provide some certainty, transparency and accountability necessary for investments and maximization of benefit for Nigerians.

CISLAC also recalls that the President had raised some concerns about some of its provisions and withheld his assent in August 2018 which brought about the setback.

CISLAC notes that the reduction of the funds to be retained by the Petroleum Regulatory Commission from 10% to 5% and the resolution of the provisions related to the Petroleum Equalization Fund, has adequately addressed the concerns raised by the president. This should clear the way for the president to assent to the Bill when re-submitted.

“We call on the President, upon receipt of the reviewed Bill, to assent to it without further delay as a mark of integrity to fulfill a long-standing promise to Nigerians, demonstrate of his commitment to sanitizing the oil and gas sector, which is notorious for corruption and silencing the voices that insinuate that his refusal to assent to the PIGB is linked to the aspiration of retaining discretionary powers for the office of the Minister of Petroleum Resources, which he currently occupies, to award licenses.”