Zimbabweans in South Africa Living in Fear as Ramaphosa rants


Zimbabweans livings in South Africa are scared of xenophobic attacks as a result of the statements made by President Cyril Ramaphosa during an ANC campaign rally.

In his statement, Ramaphosa warned that his government will not allow foreigners without permits set up businesses and settle in the country.

“Everybody just arrives in our township and rural areas and set bases without licenses and permits. We are going to bring this to an end and whoever doing this, wherever they come from, they must know,”

However, the opposition leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Julius Malema reacted to the ‘unguarded rant’, stating that Africa was home to all, an should not be divided by artificial colonial boundaries.

“Zimbabwe is our home and we are one thing. Mozambique is our home, DRC is our home, Botswana is our home. The problems of Zimbabwe are our problems; let us not be too local, let us be international.

“We don’t live in isolation. Let us stop xenophobic, let us stop self-hate. Why do you beat up locals without papers? No one must be allowed to divide Africa. If you are not going to vote for us because we love Zimbabweans so much, go with your vote,” he added. A lot of Zimbabweans who fled the economic crisis back home have taken refuge in South Africa.