Ecuador Struck by 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake


An earthquake of Magnitude 6.2 and depth 18.5 KM struck at the northern part of Santa Elena at about 3 AM ET, on the coast of Ecuador yesterday according to the U.S Geological Survey.

A few aftershocks were reported however no casualties or consequential damages have been recorded as at the time of this writing.

Ecuador is home to over 75 percent of the world’s active and dormant volcanoes with an estimated 452 located within that region.

A local when interviewed on the effect of the earthquake had this to say

“Yes, it was very strong. I felt it when I was in bed, I was about to go to bed and then I felt the bed make a noise. I then went out quickly and as everything was turned off there, in the lounge room, I went out and saw a cable still moving. I grabbed my dog and went out. I saw more people outside that were talking saying it was a quake.