United Nations and European Union visits MNJTF HQTRS

United Nations and European Union visits MNJTF HQTRS

A high level United Nations and European Union delegation comprising the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General to Central Africa, Francois Fall, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General to West Africa and Sahel, Mohammed Ibn Chambas and the Special Representative of the European Union to the Sahel, Angel Losada have visited the Headquarters of the Multinational Joint Task Force in N’Djamena, Chad.

Mr Angel Losada conveyed the support and solidarity of the European Union to the MNJTF, noting that the Union will remain in partnership with the MNJTF, particularly, in the areas of political strategy and intelligence sharing.

In his contribution, Mr Mohammed Ibn Chambas noted the serious disruption of economic activities among countries of the Lake Chad Area by Boko Haram Insurgency. He observed that a lot of efforts will be required to deal with the attendant challenges.

In a related development, a delegation from the UN Security Council has also visited the MNJTF Tactical Headquarters in Diffa, Niger Republic. Briefing the team, the Deputy Force Commander, Brigadier General Seydou Badjie updated them on the current situation and the challenges facing the MNJTF. In response, the leader of the delegation, Mr Abdel Mahjid said their mission is to assess the MNJTF Area of Operation with a view to making recommendations on how the UN can support African led missions.