Venezuela crisis: Government delivers aid to citizens amid electricity recovery

Venezuela crisis: Government delivers aid to citizens amid electricity recovery

Venezuela’s government is organizing deliveries of aid supplies including food to the citizens, and power supply is recovering following a massive blackout last Thursday.

The government on Monday announced a package of four measures to deal with the blackout, including monitoring the functioning of medical services, ensuring the delivery of gas and water via tanker trucks to households around the country, and guaranteeing the continuity of the country’s CLAP program, which delivers staple foods to households.

At a distribution center of the Santa Teresa community, aid supplies from the government were transported to over 300 households in the community.

Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez on Tuesday SAID Technical teams managed to restore electricity service in almost entire Venezuela.

President Nicolas Maduro has ordered schools and government offices to remain closed on Tuesday and Wednesday to create conditions for faster repair of the affected power supply system.

The government blames sabotage at a central hydroelectric plant by workers colluding with the U.S.-backed right-wing opposition, as part of a plan to incite unrest and undermine President Maduro and the ruling United Socialist Party.