Ebola attack: DR Congo reopens treatment centre

Ebola attack: DR Congo reopens treatment centre

An Ebola treatment center in eastern DR Congo has reopened after an attack by gunmen last Wednesday forced its closure, the health ministry announced.

The center, located in Butembo in the troubled province of North Kivu, reopened on Saturday, the health ministry said in a bulletin.

Repairs were also set to begin on another North Kivu treatment center, in Katwa, that was set ablaze on the night of February 24, the statement said late Sunday.

Both centers had been jointly run by the health ministry and Doctors Without Borders (MSF), but after the attacks, the aid agency announced it was suspending its activities in both facilities.

The Butembo center is now run by the health ministry in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN children’s organisation Unicef, the authorities said.