Zimbabwe to run out of Bread in 1 Week!

Protests over bread price

According to a confidential letter written to bakers by the country’s grain millers’ group on Monday, Zimbabwe could run out of bread in a week after flour stocks dwindled due to the country’s failure to pay for imported wheat.

This other African Country has also faced Bread Scarcity in recent times

The Grain Millers Association (GMAZ) general manager Lynette Veremu wrote to the National Bakers Association of Zimbabwe (NBAZ) to tell them the country not pay for fifty-five thousand tonnes of wheat in bonded warehouses in Mozambique and Harare.

GMAZ spokesman Garikai Chaunza confirmed the letter, saying “this is the situation we are faced with”.

The central bank lists wheat among priority imports like fuel and drugs, but has struggled to pay suppliers in the past. GMAZ said in December it owed foreign suppliers eighty million dollars for past wheat imports.

Zimbabwe imports wheat, which it blends with its local crop to make flour for bread, the country’s second major staple after maize meal.