Kenya: Apex court reverses ‘right to hijab’ in non-Muslim schools

Kenya: Apex court reverses 'right to hijab' in non-Muslim schools

The Kenyan Supreme Court has quashed an appeal court ruling in 2016 which said Muslim students could wear the hijab to school.

St. Paul’s Kiwanjani Secondary, a Methodist Church run school in Isiolo County has been at the heart of the legal challenge – the school was aggrieved by an earlier sanction by the country’s education directorate saying Muslim students in the school can wear hijab and white trousers, which is against their school rules.

The High Court in May 2015 ruled that the directive allowing the wearing of hijab in the school was illegal and discriminatory.

The Appeal Court in its ruling at the time ordered the education directorate of the country to ensure the creation of new rules on school uniforms and not to discriminate against students based on religion.