Highlights on World Economic Forum 2019 at Davos

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Wold Economic Forum Davos 2019

The World Economic forum annual meeting is only gathering of its kind which brings together leaders of the Global Society together to define and shape the global, industry and regional goals.

The annual meeting aims to be inclusive, however it doesn’t promote any political, commercial or personal interests.

This year’s event is just as high profiled and exclusive as the rest, Discussions on the slowing global economy and the central bank’s response to that, the effect of the trade wars and how it affects Technological companies, and the impact of human activities on climate change.

Some things have been noteworthy such as the proposed Tax for the rich plan proposed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez which was not very well accepted, Prince Williams chat with David Attenborough, who was awarded the World Economic Forum’s Crystal at this year’s conference.

To come are issues on Mental health, cyber-cooperation, discussions on violence against women, the ocean economy and many more.