Kenyans attack New York Times, want editor deported

Kenyans attack New York Times, want editor deported

Kenyans online have reacted to a publication by the New York Times (NYT) about a photo of the people killed in the Al-Shabaab attack at the DusitD2 hotel in Nairobi.

The NYT had published several horrific images showing bullet-perforated bodies lying all around in the restaurant.

Kenyans took to Twitter using the hashtags #SomeoneTellNYTimes and #deportkimiko in venting their anger at such debased information about their country being published.

They also used the opportunity to send the international community messages such as Kenya still being a safe country, calling for a deport the NYT reporter Kimiko and a message to NYT as well as other media institutions to report positive and glorifying stories about Kenya.

In response, the NYT has defended their stand behind their decision.

“We understand how painful this coverage can be, and we try to be very sensitive in how we handle both words and images in these situations,” read part of the NYT explanation posted on their official Twitter account.

“But we also believe it is important to give our readers a clear picture of the horror of an attack like this.”