Ethiopia proposes more jobs for refugees

Ethiopia proposes more jobs for refugees

Ethiopian lawmakers have fully welcomed and accepted a law that allows for better inclusion of refugees in the country – the Refugee Proclamation.

The Ethiopian House of Representatives voted and passed it into law, after the incorporated detailed comments have been passed by the council of ministers.

This law is an advancement of the reforms portfolio of Prime minister Abiy Ahmed.

“The revised refugee will cater to the implementation of Ethiopia’s pledges and comprehensive refugee response framework (CRRF) commitments in the country,” state-affiliated FBC reported.

Ethiopia is currently the second most populous nation in Africa, behind Nigeria, and has become the biggest refugee host in the continent, hosting displaced persons mostly from Eritrea and Sudan.

The Ethiopian parliament also passed a law called the ‘Jobs Compact’ which will be of benefit to the refugees, without taking away jobs from the citizens.

 “As part of “Jobs Compact” Ethiopian Parliament today passed a law that allows refugees to work legally. The program packages USD half a billion that aims to create 100,000 Jobs (30% for refugees residing in the country)”, Fitsum Arega, the country’s investment commission chief said.