Letter to Dino Melaye: What is the Wilderness like?

Letter to Dino Melaye: What is the Wilderness like?

Today makes it the 8th Day Dino Melaye has been in hiding from the Nigerian Police Force despite having a warrant for his arrest. 

After disputing the fact that his actions were not out of fear but out of wisdom and likening himself to Prophet Elijah of the Days of old. 

Dino in previous times has reportedly made some allegations against the Police claiming they have made attempts at his life

While many have advocated the Senator representing Kogi West to either remain in hiding others adviced him to make himself available for arraignment, Dino had previously suggested that he would make himself available to the Police after a week

Would he keep his word is the question playing on everyone’s lips who is currently enjoying the conundrum Dino finds himself or is hiding or self-preservation as Dino calls it the IN THING? As this is not the first time our well renowned Dino Melaye has gone to hide in the wilderness