U. S Supreme Court divided over Google Privacy Settlement

South Korea fines Google $177 Million for Android Dominance!

The U.S. Supreme Court justices presiding over an internet privacy case involving Google came to a disagreement on Wednesday over whether to rein in a form of settlement in class action lawsuits or not.

The class action lawsuit is set in such a way that charities and other third parties are being funded with the money rather than being given to the people affected by the alleged wrongdoing.

The Supreme Court dispute came up for the $8.5 Million Google settlement. It was challenged by one of the conservatives who hold a 5-4 majority on the high court.

During an hour of arguments, some of the court’s conservative justices shared their concerns about potential abuses in these monetary awards, which includes excessive fees going to plaintiffs’ lawyers, while the liberal justices stressed that such settlements can funnel money to good use.

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