Senate to approve Polls and Eurobond Budget today

hate speech passes second reading

With all things being equal, the Senate will on Today approve the requests by President Muhammadu Buhari on the Budget for the 2019 General Elections and Eurobond to finance the 2018 Appropriation Act.

The Senate had last week approved the sum of about NGN 190 Billion in the 2018 Appropriation Act to the budget of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct the 2019 General Elections.

The approval had followed the adoption of an interim report by the Senate Committee on Appropriations at the plenary on Thursday.

The lawmakers had scheduled the approval of the budget of security agencies for the elections for Tuesday.

President Muhammadu Buhari had sought virement of about two hundred and forty-three billion in the 2018 budget to fund the polls.

The Senate and House of Representatives Committees on Appropriations, together with other relevant committees, had on Thursday met with heads of security and safety agencies who defended their budgets for the polls.