Facebook says attackers stole details from 29m users


Facebook Inc (FB. O) on Friday said attackers in the mass security breach it announced late September accessed the accounts of about thirty million people in total and stole name and contact details for twenty-nine million.

Facebook found no theft of highly personal messages or financial data and saw no use of Facebook logins to access other websites, all of which would have been a cause for greater concern.

Instead, stolen data on fourteen million users include birth-dates, employers, education and lists of friends.

All of those could help a fraudster pose as Facebook, the employer or a friend.

“We’re cooperating with the FBI, which is actively investigating and asked us not to discuss who may be behind this attack,” Facebook said on a blog post.

The social network said in late September that hackers stole digital login codes allowing them to take over almost 50 million user accounts in its worst security breach ever.