NNPC targets leading Oil Company of Africa Position

NNPC Reports Fire Outbreak at Ibadan Depot

The Chief strategist at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, (NNPC) Mr Bola Wunti, expressed that within the next 3 years, NNPC aims to take the position of the leading National oil company in Africa.

He says NNPC has developed a three-phased corporate strategy aimed at optimizing opportunities within the oil and gas market.

The three phases include the survival phase which will span till 2018, the consolidation phase, which will commence in 2019 and the long-term phase, which will begin fully by 2021.

Adding to this, he said the NNPC within this frame would have expanded its business footprints beyond the shores of Nigeria first as a net exporter of refined petroleum products, and then a hub for other hydrocarbon businesses.