Female Ebola Survivor infects others 1 year after


It has been recently discovered that the Ebola virus can be carried by the human body for over a year and the carrier can spread it to others.

As was the case with a Liberian woman who was infected while caring for her brother, who worked as a nurse and eventually died due to the illness.

The lady who was with child eventually miscarried, fell ill and later got pregnant and showed no symptoms while pregnant until she was delivered of her child.

She fell ill once more and luckily received treatment in good time. Her whole family was infected by the virus and except for her 15-year-old son who died, the rest survived but tested positive for the virus except her and her foetus at the time.

The lingering question is how the virus survived in the mother’s body without infecting mother and child. What’s more, they gained natural immunity against the disease.