Lagos State targets 1.25billion SCF Natural and Liquidified Natural Gas


Lagos State in a bid to enhance its supply of Natural and Liquidified Natural Gas (LPG), is targeting up to 1.25 billion standard cubic feet (SFC) against the 500 million SFC of gas it currently receives from the Niger Delta.

The plan is for Lagos State to begin implementation of its power/energy sector reform set to take off in June. The plan is targeted at making the Lagos gas market open to interested parties, both local and international, according to the reform which was passed to the house of assembly under the Lagos State Electric Power Reform Law.

It is aimed at sourcing its gas locally such that the state government will be required to sign long-term contracts for fields where oil is found in Lagos. Currently, Aje Oil Field is operational in Badagry and the proposed Dangote Oil Refinery set to kick-off in 2021.

It is envisaged that when the reform is fully implemented, it will empower the Lagos State economic space according to Olawale Oluwo, Lagos State commissioner for energy and power resources. He also said plans are being put in place to locally design small sized cylinders in Lagos for distribution in the existing retail market.

Image Credit: Sweet Crude Reports