A Saudi Arabian man, suspected to be a drug addict, has slaughtered his three daughters, aged 2, 4 and 6.
The 33-year-old man, who lives in the Al-Malawi district of Makkah, Saudi Arabia, according to the police, also attempted to kill his Nigerian wife.
The suspect, who works as a security guard, was reported to have complained that he hasn’t been able to sleep for three nights prior to the incident because his Nigerian wife wanted him to spend more money on his daughters.
in order to save himself the extra expenses, the man woke up his daughters at night, took them to a separate room from where their mother was, and slit their throats one after the other.
By the time the girls’ mother became suspicious and went to see what was happening, it was already too late.
The wife, Fatima Mohamid Khalil, who is an orphan and was raised by her aunt and grandmother, was rescued by their neighbor who came to her aid when he heard her screams for help.
The neighbour said he found the daughters soaked in blood, while the wife had already sustained serious injuries, having been stabbed 5 times. The neighbour eventually managed to wrest the knife from the assailant.
The woman was then taken to King Faisal Hospital for treatment.
Mohammed Shafiq, another neighbor who runs a grocery store right under their home, disclosed that the assailant had been arrested about a month ago for attempting to commit domestic violence, but was later granted bail and released. Shafiq said the assailant and his family were a regular at his store and he usually gave a loan to the man who always paid back. He described the assailant as quiet and peaceful.
Photo Credit: ayolatv