
Tapping into nature’s wealth is the daily business of Mr Ilemuda Omale. The 36-year-old has become a renowned native specialist of a different kind in his Ibaji community of Kogi State. Ibaji is a purely agrarian community with a deep connection with roots and herbs, translating to their indigenous knowledge of herbal medicines.

While many others may get into the bush for farming activities, Ilemuda goes in there to communicate with the leaves and herbs so to speak. He returns home to transform these leaves that grow on their own in the wild into medicines that would act as a cure for wounded persons, and more particularly, extracting bullets from the body of persons that have been shot
Omale started practising at the age of 20, shortly after his father’s death. And since then, he has made a success of it.

The gift runs in his family and he is understandably protective of this rare gift. So, he would neither reveal the names of the four leaves he combines nor takes anyone to the place where they are found.
Though he won’t reveal the names of the leaves, he explains that he is particularly gifted with the art of removing bullets from injured persons using herbs. The process would involve collecting the herbs which is a mixture of four leaves, blending them, massages around the affected area of the victim, then applying the mixture.

He leaves the concoction to settle in for a maximum of twenty minutes. As soon as it settles in, the concoction forces the bullets to collect through the opening of the wound. And all he does thereafter would be a gentle press and one by one the bullets, or pellets, would fall out on their own. No other medicine is applied. And, of course, no surgery is required.

Ilemuda became popular as the man who extracts bullets, using herbs, in his community after a robbery incident in Idah at two different banks left so many people injured with bullet wounds. He single-handedly treated and removed bullets from all those who were brought to him. Since then, he has continued to use herbs to treat even accident victims.
His herbal treatment has therefore been a great alternative to many people who have had bullet wounds.

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