2 K-Pop celebrities arrested for sexually assaulting and filming woman


2 K-Pop celebrities sentenced to Jail for involving and filming a sexual assault against a woman incapable of resisting according to reports from the Seoul Central District Court.

The details of the scandal were first published as ‘The Burning Sun’ a place set apart for many vices including bribery, drug abuse and violence against customers.

Jung Joon-young, a 30-year old Singer cum Songwriter and alibi, Choi Joon-hoon have been convicted of conspiring to sexually assault and film women and thereafter share the materials on members on an online group chat.

Jung has been jailed for six years while Choi is to be jailed for five years. In addition, the duo is expected to complete 80 hours of sexual violence treatment program after the South Korean police confirmed that the Jung and Chi were among a 10 member group chat and Jung admitted to his crimes and apologized to his victims.